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Atlantic Yards (Pacific Park) is a $4 billion project to redevelop 26 acres in and around the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Prospect Heights, Boerum Hill, Park Slope, Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. It was approved by the State of New York in December 2006. The project as approved includes the Barclays Center arena; sixteen towers (four of which have been completed, four are currently under construction, and eight that have yet to be started); and eight acres of privately-operated but publicly accessible open space (of which one acre is currently completed).

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The initiative launched in September of 2006 with the goal of increasing public input into the plans for the Atlantic Yards project. Since the approval of the Atlantic Yards plan by the State of New York in December of 2006, the BrooklynSpeaks sponsors have advocated for transparency by State and City government with respect to project governance, as well as for the involvement of the public in the decision-making process. We have also drawn attention to adverse environmental impacts of the plan that remain to be fully and properly addressed.

The sponsors continue to work to create a dialog among residents, Community Boards, elected officials and State and City agencies around responsible development at the Atlantic Yards site that meets Brooklyn's needs and addresses the concerns of surrounding neighborhoods, while maintaining accountability to the taxpayers of the City and the State.

BrooklynSpeaks is an initiative of civic associations, community-based organizations, and advocacy groups concerned about the future of development at the Atlantic Yards site.


Meet our Sponsors