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As a recipient of affordable housing from the previous administration; 1. Make provisions for quality of life for those already in the neighborhood. 2. A provision for low/lower income residents and indeed all residents to maintain a clean and respectable atmosphere in the building. Many in my building after a couple of years forget they contribute to or detract from the quality of life for the rest of us.
1. Counter displacement and rent burdened
2. Better urban design, integrated affordable housing as part of project since they will be gaining
more dev rights, better Pub Trans amenities at 4th/Atlantic/etc
3. Deepest possible but maintain economic diversity
4. Insure affordable housing allocations are not lesser quality or "different" amenities. If focus is
on Seniors, we must ensure that are streetscape is accessible to those who may have
additional needs.
Howard Kolins: I'm going to take my hand down but I wanted to mention that Tower
One of the 80 Flatbush project was originally 1/3 commercial and 2/3 residential. Due to recent
market conditions, the building will be 100% residential with Tower Two absorbing the additional
commercial. So the developers of Site 5 may want residential and be willing to include
affordable housing.
Sarah Lazur: Community preference isn’t typical for people from communities where they are
displaced from. Wouldn’t trade affordable housing for anything else. HAVP would make
vouchers widely available. So don’t make any concessions. No faith in the developers. Might
be better if all the buildings weren’t built, due to their negative impact of raising rents in the area.
I'd add to leverage points
1.the need for a better integration of urban design at the street level for the
pacific/Flatbush/Atlantic/4th intersection
2. additional entrances, better and ADA access to subway system below
NYS doesn't use ULURP
and more specifically Empire State Development
Peter K: B1 didn’t have housing at all. Now shifting to housing. Arena benefit of moving to site
5. Trading vision away of this being a step down site in terms of the size of buildings in the
area. What is the plan for delivering affordable housing? How many units might be appropriate
for site 5? How to tie it to the project plans? How to push to deliver higher levels of
Bernell: Tradeoffs with integrating with the open space on the PC Richards site?
Nat: Modified Project Plan may give opportunity to map out the future of the project instead of
kicking the affordable housing down the road. ULURP? [I guess meant SEIS review and
James: No. Not ULURP
Peter: Uses SEQRA. Up or down vote by the state
Esteban G: Site 5 leverage point. Who approves? How to use as a leverage point? Is there
an affordable housing component to the agreement?
Bernell: PC Richards agreement has been struck. Think it still falls under the ESD. Might want
to shift to city control.
in reply to Breakout room 1's comment
Are "poor doors" still an issue? The State banned them in 2015.
Implications of making stronger demands (like 40% AMI)? What do we lose in terms
of a trade off?
Bernell: Meeting the demand in the marketplace. 130% AMI renters shop around. Developer
gets less, but community doesn’t lose out. Amenities probably still there, but maybe poor doors,
Housing homeless? Who would this be? How to choose? How to apply?
Bernell: Overcrowded shelters need help. Targeting those exiting shelters who can support
themselves independently. Not supportive housing. Through the city mechanism of Dept of Soc
Service and HRA. Comes with some sort of subsidy.
Maybe the design of the units should recognize the “work from home” contingent by making units with home office space.
Site 5 – limit the height, include as many affordable units as possible – some suggested balance that against density & height- What is a fair trade off?
Affordable units should be a mix.
Need to be careful of unintended consequences of predatory lender, investors currently happening in the area.
Consideration should be given to affordable ownership- this prompted discussion on “inherited wealth” (was somewhat contentious).
All units should be universally accessible (ADA) to allow for all occupants.
Some questioned 25% senior esp. citing the Dean and Bergen HPD plans- more research should be done on the need in the area.
: Will there be preference for people who have been pushed out of the surrounding communities, will the new towers have all types of low income units, not some certain low incomes, and will it be enough of units for the different types of low incomes

Populations that should be thought about – teachers, public servants, seniors and low- and moderate-income seniors

Space should be social/created for socialization and other amenities that community needs

How has COVID impacted family/household size? People moving to live with other family members/congested living

We need to make sure that anyone who was displaced has the right to return

We need to see this as an opportunity to be sustainable and made for 2030 so it really meets the needs of the future

Decision making needs to be at the local level – the “they” needs to be “we”
One of the things we have to do is change the decision-making group to be us instead of they. This is an opportunity in time to rethink about EDC and make it a community decision making process.
Trying to redress issues related to displacement. I would also say it needs to addressed in totally different way. Having community preference and project not being completed in 15-20 years. It’s just another illusion. We need to think more broadly about what we need about integrated neighborhoods and what redress of neighborhoods and government policies that support development and not moderate and low-income people.
I just want to say that we’re not going to be able to address the goals with the array of housing and the community development projects before us. We need to do this different – we have to know what we want and identify what we want and use the progressive leadership to fight for those changes. Because if we are just going to live with the programs that exist, we are looking at goals that are totally unachievable.
Thinking about families with lower economic resources, what are the previsions for pre-k and daycare and these affordable housing units? Working families have these needs.
We need to look at the reality by the time we see this housing coming about, it’ll be closer to 2030. We need to make sure that anyone who was displaced has the right to return. What is the healthy vision and needs are being met by development. By 2030, or before that, we’ll see the existing housing stock being destroyed by climate change. We need to see this as an opportunity to be sustainable and made for 2030 so it really meets the needs of the future. We need to reconstruct how we look at this and not just trying to tinker the edges but how we can significantly change the housing that remains.
I’m also a senior citizen. Just from my experience, we are held hostage by COVID but when we’re not, I think all of these buildings should have spaces to meet like coffee room and not just the laundry room. In my current building (not subsidized), there’s no space to socialize except in the elevator.
I am in Crown Heights, CB8 and I’m concerned about senior issues. Any housing should be focused on catering to the senior demographic because the senior population is increasing. Unfortunately the services and amenities in housing are not catering to that population. The developments are not very social – like courtyards, gardens, and other areas to help with socialization. A lot of us are held hostage in our buildings. I think we need to recognize community and the needs of senior citizens.
I’m wondering how the pandemic has reconfigured family configuration and thinking about stats about college students in CUNY that are housing unstable and homeless. Will people be moving back home due to COVID? 1-2 family homes turning into 2-3 or 5 families. How will it accommodate for larger families?
They’re working 3-4 jobs. There is an issue with vacancy rate with developers. We want the units to be affordable. Economic – developers aren’t going to come into these buildings if they don’t make a profit so the low-income tax credit comes into play. We want to make sure people aren’t displaced and not out on the streets. Priority populations targeted - We should be thinking about teachers because they’re the backbone of the community. Public servants too who work for the government and don’t make a lot of money but ultimately, we need to balance it.
If affordable units are provided off site, must be within community districts 2, 3, 6 or 8.
More deeply affordable apartments. ("I can't find an apartment I can afford.")
What's the trade off between density and affordability level?
General support among participants in the breakout.
Can Atlantic Yards committed affordable housing be built over the Atlantic Center mall?
In 2006, NYC DCP said the density on Site 5 should be transitional.